Effective 1 February 2021, users who operate their unmanned aircraft (UA) with a total weight of more than 1.5 kilograms and not exceeding 7 kilograms, for recreational or educational purposes, are required to undergo a one-time UA Basic Training to be conducted by CAAS-approved UA Basic Training organisations. Users must be at least 16 years old at the point of flying the UA.
The UA Basic Training will provide users with relevant theoretical knowledge on how to operate their UA safely. The training will take about 2 hours to complete. Upon successful completion of the training, users will be issued with a UA Basic Training certificate.
Users who fail to comply with the UA Basic Training requirements could face a fine of up to $50,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, or both for a first offence and up to $100,000, or imprisonment not exceeding 5 years, or both for a second or subsequent offence. In addition, users who fail to produce a valid UA Basic Training certificate, UA Pilot Licence (UAPL), activity or operator permit during the verification checks by CAAS enforcement officers could face a fine up to $20,000 for a first offence, and a fine of up to $40,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 15 months, or both for a second or subsequent offence.
For more info you can visit CAAS website at https://www.caas.gov.sg/public-passengers/unmanned-aircraft/ua-regulatory-requirements/ua-basic-training
How can you apply for UA Basic Training?
- UA Basic Training is an on-line course. You just need to register and pay a training fee of S$30.00.
- Course content will be delivered through a 1.5-hour e-learning courseware. Users are able to associate with the learning outcomes through interactive medias such as animations, videos, audio and quizzes. The flexibility of the UABT course allow users to access anytime and anywhere with their mobile devices or personal computers (PC).
- Upon successful completion of the quiz, users will be presented with a UA basic training certificate. User will be able to view and download their E-Certificate as a proof of course completion.
- You can download the USER’s GUIDE here: UABT USER’s GUIDE